Posts by tag: cars

Are the cars destroyed in movies fully functional?

Are the cars destroyed in movies fully functional?

Well, fellow movie buffs and automobile aficionados, here's an interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit for you. Those poor cars you see getting wrecked in movies? They're not actually the fully functional, pristine beauties they appear to be. More often than not, filmmakers use what's known as "shell cars" - essentially, stripped-down versions of cars with none of the expensive and essential parts. So, in a nutshell, next time you wince at a car crash scene, rest easy knowing it's just movie magic, not a real car's untimely demise!

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If the political parties were cars, what would they be?

If the political parties were cars, what would they be?

This article compares the main political parties in the UK to cars. The Conservative Party are likened to a luxury car, reflecting its focus on wealth and status. The Labour Party is compared to a family car, representing its commitment to providing for the needs of the people. The Liberal Democrats are a hybrid car, combining elements of both the Conservatives and Labour. The Green Party is an electric car, reflecting its environmentally friendly policies. Finally, the Brexit Party is a vintage car, reflecting its nostalgia for a simpler past.

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